Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pinterest - The Good and the Bad

I really love Pinterest. I'm sure I waste too much time on it but there are so many cool ideas out there!  I have 78 boards and over 7,400 pins.  

Although I have tried many of them, I certainly have not tried them all.  But what I was realizing today is while I'm pretty good at trying out the recipes and crochet patterns and various crafts, I'm not so good at following up on the articles I have pinned about ADHD and Organization and Parenting and Health, and I think you get the picture. 

I noticed that many of the cleaning schedules people post assign a particular chore to a day of the week - clean the bathrooms on Mondays, do the laundry on Tuesdays, etc.  So I'm thinking I'll apply this same logic to reading my pinned articles - I'll assign a topic a day: 

Organization and Cleaning on Sundays
ADHD on Monday
Health on Tuesdays
Blogging Tips on Wednesdays
Money Tips on Thursdays
Parenting and For My Family on Fridays
For My Honey on Saturdays

And back to my handy-dandy cell phone.  Since I have Pinterest on my phone, I can read my articles while the kids wait their 30 minutes for their allergy shot reactions, or while I wait for my car repair, or while I eat lunch (if I ever eat away from my desk) or maybe even while I get my nails done.  (Although I have to say, I have never quite understood how women use their phones while the manicurists are working on their nails.)  Maybe I'll even confiscate my husband's tablet so I can have a bigger screen . . . .

By the way, if you haven't joined the Pinterest yet, I just have this one bit of advice for you:


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